

Creative Kindness Privacy Policy

Creative Kindness® Privacy Principles

  1. We take your privacy seriously.

  2. We treat your information like we'd want ours treated - by taking active steps to keep it safe and secure.

  3. We do not rent or sell your personal information to third parties.

  4. You can edit your Privacy & Cookie Settings by clicking the "Cookie Preferences" icon located in the lower right corner of the website.


This Privacy Policy describes how the Creative Kindness Foundation (“Creative Kindness”, “we”, or “us”) collects, uses, stores, shares and protects your information in connection with services offered by Creative Kindness as a data controller and/or processor including, but not limited to, services provided at or using the domain (the “Website”); tools or applications including, but not limited to, mobile and other software applications related to the Website (the “Applications”); and images, text, playlists, videos, metadata, and other material available through the Website or related Applications (the “Content”) (collectively, the “Service”, “Services,” or “Services”).

This Privacy Policy applies when you (“you”, “User” or “Respondent”) access, visit or use any portion of the Service. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, a “User” is a person who visits the  website.

This Privacy Policy is part of, and is governed by, the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms of Use. 

Agreement To Terms of Privacy Policy

Any Service provided by  is purely voluntary. You are not required to provide any personal information to us unless you choose to access features of the Service that require such information. If you do not agree with the terms of this policy or the Creative Kindness Terms of Use related to the Service, then please do not provide us with personal information, exit the Applications immediately, and refrain from using the Service.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. You may be required to accept the amended Privacy Policy upon placing an order to continue using the Service. We may post material changes to this Privacy Policy on the Website with a notice advising of the changes. We may also notify you of material changes in other manners. If you do not agree to the Privacy Policy or any future changes to it, you may terminate using the Service. This policy was last modified on 09/20/2022.


Depending on your country of residence, you may have rights of access, rectification, opposition, erasure, and right to restriction of processing of your personal data. You may make requests or objections verbally or in writing. You may direct written requests or objections to Creative Kindness at address 1495 E Baseline Rd. Suite 102, Gilbert AZ, 85233.

Personal Information About Creative Kindness Users

Usage data: CREATIVE KINDNESS collects usage data about Users whenever they interact with our services, including information they have elected to make publicly available.

  • Device and application data: CREATIVE KINDNESS collects data from the device and application the User uses to access our services, such as the IP address and browser type. We may also infer the geographic location based on the User IP address.

  • Referral data: if the User arrives at Website or Application or Services from an external source (such as a link on another website or in an email), we record information about the source that referred the User to us.

  • Information from third parties: CREATIVE KINDNESS may collect User’s personal information or data from third parties if the User gives permission to those third parties to share such information with others or the data is extracted from publicly accessible sources. For example, CREATIVE KINDNESS may collect minimal service data from select third-parties, provided that User has given prior permission to those third parties to share such information with other parties or it comes from publicly accessible sources like social media profiles. Enriching data allows us to provide personalized content.

  • Information from cookies, web beacons, and pixels: CREATIVE KINDNESS uses third-party tracking services that employ cookies, web beacons, or pixels to collect aggregated and anonymized data about visitors to our websites. This data may include usage and User statistics. You can obtain full information about our Cookie Policy.

Purposes and Legitimate Basis of the Use and Sharing Information

We use the information and data we collect from you to perform the Services requested in connection with the “Creative Kindness Account” selected for the purposes described in the Terms of Use. These Services may include:

  • Providing you the services we offer on the Website or related Applications; communicating with you about your use of the Website or related Applications; responding to your questions; providing troubleshooting; and for other various customer service purposes.

  • Personalizing the content and information that we may display or send to you on the Website or related Applications or in other communications; suggesting products or content or offerings; customizing instructions, and otherwise personalizing your experiences while using the Website or related Applications or Services.

  • To display interest-based marketing to you in the Website or related Applications; improving our marketing and measurement systems so we can show you more relevant content and offerings; and measuring the effectiveness and reach of marketing, the Website, related Applications, and Services.

  • Gathering metrics to better understand how Users access and use the Website or related Applications; improving the Website or related Applications or Services; and developing new products and services we believe will be of value to Users.

  • Complying with legal obligations and administering our general business operations.

  • Preventing or Investigating illegal activities, suspected fraud, threats to people’s safety or violations of our Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy, when we believe any of the aforementioned may have occurred.

We may internally perform statistical and other analysis on information we collect (technical and metadata) to analyze and measure user behavior and trends, to understand how people use our Services and Website or related Applications, in order to improve and optimize our performance of such Services, and to monitor, troubleshoot and improve our Services, including to help us evaluate or devise new features.

We may use your information for internal purposes designed to keep our services secure, operational, and optimized, such as testing purposes, troubleshooting, to prevent abusive activity (i.e. fraud, spam, phishing activities), and for service improvement, research and development purposes.

We send Users information, marketing,  communications, and other content and media by any means, including email and text messages, browser push notifications, and similar means of electronic communication as part of providing relevant content and information we believe helps you to use our Services and Website or related Applications effectively. In order to customize such information and commercial communications,  may use statistical techniques and other means that allow the creation of user profiles, messaging groups, and data segmentation.

We do not sell or rent your Creative Kindness data to third parties. We share your information with third party service providers who help us to provide our Services to you, in which case those third parties are required to comply with governing privacy requirements and any other relevant measures.

Additional sharing may occur as follows:

  • With third-party service providers who use this information to perform services for us, such as payment processors, hosting providers, auditors, advisors, consultants, customer service and support providers, as well as those who assist us in providing marketing.

  • With subsidiaries and affiliates of Creative Kindness. 

  • The use and disclosure of your personal information by such subsidiaries and affiliates is subject to this Privacy Policy.

  • With parties in which an organization transfer may or will occur, including as part of any merger, joint venture, or combination with another organization or entity, transfer of Creative Kindness assets, restructuring or Creative Kindness   or any part of it, liquidation, or similar event. These parties may receive disclosures or transfers that include personal information.

  • With parties and entities that are legally entitled to such information in the performance of their duties.

  • With the public. Any public User-generated content and Website or related Applications activity, which may include a username, profile picture, profile information, uploads, posts, reviews, and other information associated with your profile and use of the Services may be available to other users of Creative Kindness Services and Website may be viewed publicly. Public viewing may include non-registered visitors. User-generated content may be indexed by search engines.

  • We may share aggregated or anonymized information with third parties for analytics, research, marketing, and other purposes, provided the information does not permit the identification of a particular individual.

  • In situations where we believe it necessary to respond to claims asserted against us, to comply with legal processes (for example, subpoenas or warrants), to enforce our agreements and terms and to administer them, to prevent fraud, to assess risk, to investigate, and to otherwise protect the rights, safety, or property of Creative Kindness, its Users of the Website or related Applications or Services, or others.

Creative Kindness is based in the United States of America. It complies with the GDPR framework as set forth by the European Union regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal data from European Union member countries. If you do not want your information transferred to or processed or stored in the United States or any other jurisdiction, you should not use the Service.

Your data is not processed by any third party except (i) for providing Services for which Creative Kindness utilizes third parties, (ii) when you have granted permission through your use of the Website or related Applications and its Services, consistent with the Terms of Use, (iii) when it is required by a competent authority in the exercise of its duties (for example in order to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities) or (iv) as otherwise required by law.

We do not use your Creative Kindness data other than as described in this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use, and the Cookie Policy.

Protecting Your Information

The security of your information is important to us and we implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of this data. Please be aware that no website or Internet transmission is completely secure. We strongly urge you to help keep your personal information safe by closing your web browser when you are finished browsing the Website or related Applications, especially when using a shared or unsecured device. Please take any other measure you can to keep your information safe.

Some of the security measures we have taken to protect your information include: password protected directories and databases, Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt your information when it is transmitted across the Internet, and PCI Scanning to actively defend our servers from hackers and other vulnerabilities.

Legitimate Basis

 The Creative Kindness use of your data for the purposes described above is based on the following legitimate Interest:

If you are a User of the Website or related Applications or Services, have created a User account, have subscribed, or otherwise signed up for our email communications we are entitled to use your data in order to fulfill our obligations to you and the purposes of Services. We have a legitimate interest to use your data in order to maintain the relationship between you and Creative Kindness If you have granted consent we are entitled by law to use your data for direct marketing purposes and send you commercial communications related to CREATIVE KINDNESS  Data privacy legislation recognizes direct marketing to clients as a legitimate interest of the use of personal data, and legislation expressly allows Creative Kindness to send you commercial communications by electronic means, provided that they are related to products or services which are similar to the Services. In any case, you are entitled to ask us, now or at any moment, not to send you any commercial communications. If you do not wish to receive marketing email communications, you may click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any marketing email communications you receive; if you created a User account, you may also change the communication preferences in your account settings page. Additionally, commercial communications you currently receive from us and might receive in the future include an easy and free-of-charge way for you to ask us not to receive further commercial communications, usually in the form of an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of these communications.

Cookies, Pixels and Tracking

We and our third-party providers use cookies, JavaScript, log files, local storage, clear GIFs, pixel tags, web beacons, and other technology to automatically collect and record information about your usage and browsing activities on the Website or related Applications and across third-party sites or online services. We may combine this information with other User information we collect.

A cookie is a small text file containing letters and numbers that the website you visit transfers to your computer for identification purposes. Cookies can be used to follow your activity throughout the CREATIVE KINDNESS Service and that information helps us to understand your preferences and improve your experience.

For a detailed description of the types of cookies we use and on how you can control the use of cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.

Pixels, clear GIFs, and web beacons are tiny graphics, functionally similar to cookies, which track the online activity of Website or related Applications Users and assist with content personalization. For example, we use these in our emails to record when messages have been opened or forwarded to others. This tracking helps us measure the desirability and effectiveness of our email communications.

We may use internal and third-party analytics tools, including Google Analytics. These analytics companies may combine the information we collect with other information they have collected in other venues. Their collection and use of this data is subject to their own privacy policies.

Cancelling Your Account, Opting Out of Email & Modifying Personal Information

While Creative Kindness currently does not permit the set up of accounts, if it does so at a future date, you may cancel your account and you may opt-out of receiving marketing emails from Creative Kindness at any time. Deleting an account may cause data in the account to be permanently deleted from our systems and may disable your access to any other Services that require a Creative Kindness account. We will respond to any such request, and any appropriate request to access, correct, update or delete your personal information within the time period specified by law (if applicable) or without excessive delay. We will promptly fulfill requests to delete personal data unless the request is not technically feasible or such data is required to be retained by law (in which case we will block access to such data, if required by law) or in which the data in question was uploaded by you to Website, or posted by you to Website, and may be deleted by you from your account profile or settings, including posts, images, reviews, comments, or any other item which you posted or uploaded to the Website or related Applications or shared publicly or privately through Creative Kindness Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you are a resident of a country belonging to the European Union, or any other jurisdiction which requires it, you may delete your account at any time or request that we delete your account and data at any time. Such deletion will potentially result in the aforementioned data loss.

All requests to Creative Kindness to delete or modify data must be made in the English language and requestors must provide reasonable proof of identity.

We encourage you to update your personal information promptly when it changes. Information concerning your past behavior with the Service may be retained by Creative Kindness as long as necessary for the purposes set out below.

Retention of Your Information

We retain information for Creative Kindness® as long as it is necessary and relevant for our operations. In addition, we may retain information from closed accounts to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigation, enforce the Creative Kindness  Terms of Service, or take other actions permitted by law.

The information we retain about you will be handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy during the maximum terms permitted by law, and will exclusively be used for the purposes described above. After those terms, your information will be fully deleted or, alternatively, will be anonymized.

Third Party Links

Occasionally, at our discretion, we include outbound links to third party websites on our Website or related Applications. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. The operators of these websites bear responsibility and liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we welcome any feedback about these sites.

Privacy Policy Customer Pledge

We pledge to you, that we have made a dedicated effort to bring our privacy policy in line with the following important privacy laws and initiatives:

  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

  • California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)


  • Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

  • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

  • Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act

  • Federal Trade Commission Fair

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • Privacy Alliance

How To Contact Us

If you have any questions about our practices or this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or mail us at:

Creative Kindness Foundation 

Attn: Technology Department

1495 E Baseline Rd.

Gilbert, AZ 85233

United States

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